Supporting American Unity
The lessons from American history are crystal clear: we are stronger as a nation and a force for peace and stability around the world only when we are unified.
It was our unity that allowed us independence from the British in the 18th century, our hard fought unity freed millions of enslaved Americans in the 19th century, and through our unity, we defeated tyranny on two continents in the 20th century.
However, in this 21st century, our politics has become a blood sport where hatred and negative partisanship rule the day. We pick fights on cultural issues not policy disagreements and engage in never ending recriminations.
Here at United We Stand, we believe in a great awakening to remember who we are as a people and what we stand for. We are a nation that has common principles and ideals such as democracy, capitalism and free speech. These principles are rooting in the freedom we have fought for since our inception as a nation.
We look forward to the day when our politics returns to debates about important policy issues rather than cultural divisions. If we are going to continue to be a force for strength and stability around the world, we must say with one voice, United We Stand.
All of our products are printed and shipped right here in America. We believe it is important to support American businesses.
We have searched thousands of products to make sure we bring you the great quality items at a great value.
We are constantly creating new products. Whether it is new items or new designs, you can always find the latest style to show your love of country.

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